An active place for active adults over 50 years old. We put the emphasis on aging well with grace, dignity and a whole lot of fun!
Location: St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Contact: Sally Marvin
Phone: 727-893-7101
Email: sally.marvin@stpete.org
Website: stpeteparksrec.org
We encourage older adults to visit the Sunshine Center which features activities, educational and volunteer opportunities for everyone. With 16 different exercise programs every week as well as drama, chorus, art, cards, cooking class, Senior Life Games, painting, movies, day trips, ballroom dance, improv class and so much more, we’ll keep you busy. Meet new friends in your peer group and enjoy life. In addition to all that, we also offer the SHINE program (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders), Lions Eye Club, Voices of Hope for Aphasia, Community Law Program, Walker/Wheelchair repairs, Seniors vs Crime, Kids & Kubs ¾ Century Ball Club and Neighborly Care Network (meals on wheels and senior café.) We have a fitness center and a full-service café open for breakfast and lunch. Come join us – where the sun always shines!