7 Ways for Seniors to Avoid Scams and Fraud

7 Ways for Seniors to Avoid Scams and Fraud

By: Linda Burhans Seniors are especially vulnerable to an increasing number of scams and fraudulent activities.  There are a variety of reasons for this, but the main reason is that scam artists and...

Napping Benefits Caregivers

Napping Benefits Caregivers

By: Linda Burhans If you are a caregiver there is a pretty good possibility you did not get a complete and restful sleep last night. Many times caregivers enter my support groups clearly exhausted and...

Healthcare DOESN’T Take a Holiday!!

Healthcare DOESN’T Take a Holiday!!

By: Bonnie Brown In fact, the holidays can make healthcare even more stressful. Beyond your own health issues, when your family gathers, you may see notable changes in the health of your loved ones,...

Oral Hygiene during Dementia Care

Oral Hygiene during Dementia Care

​By: Gary LeBlanc The best advice I can give on the subject of oral hygiene is to have all dental needs attended to during the earliest onset of dementia. Toothaches or any other type of pain can greatly...