After facilitating more than 1500 support groups and workshops, I know that caregivers do not have a lot of time. That is why I decided to do “Tuesday’s Tips for Caregivers.”

Here you can find a 1-4 minute tip that I believe will inspire and assist you on your journey.


Weekly Caregiver Tips Intro

What Is Respite Care For

What Is Respite Care For

What is respite care for and who is it for? What Is Respite Care?Respite care is a special name for a short-term break for caregivers. When you look after someone who’s sick or disabled, it’s a 24-hour job. You need a break from time to time to look after your own...

Agitation And The Elderly

Agitation And The Elderly

Agitation and the elderly, how can we help our loved ones? When someone has Alzheimer's or dementia they can become agitated quite easily.They may start picking at their clothes or their skin to relieve some of the agitation.Giving them something like this muff with...

Traveling With An Elderly Person

Traveling With An Elderly Person

Traveling with an elderly person can be very stressful even if they don't have cognitive issues but throw in dementia or alzheimers on top of it, as a caregiver, can push you to the brink. To make traveling a bit easier try to stay calm, plan ahead, and speak calmly...

What To Do If My Mom Doesn’t Recognize Family Members

What To Do If My Mom Doesn’t Recognize Family Members

What to do if my mom doesn't recognize family members when we are all together for the holidays.Linda gives a great tip on how to help your loved one suffering from dementia recognize family that they may not see very often. Visit Our Sponsor Arden...

What Gift To Get An Elderly Loved One

What Gift To Get An Elderly Loved One

What gift to get an elderly loved one.Holiday shopping can be heard for an elderly loved one. What do you get? They may not be able to do the things they used to love to do so hobby items are out. You can give the gift of comfort with a weighted blanket. Visit Our...

The Holidays And Dementia

The Holidays And Dementia

The Holidays And DementiaHelping your your loved ones with dementia through the holidays can be hard because you want all the festive lights and hustle and bustle and you think it will make them happy but in reality it may be that it is overwhelming for them and...

Grief And Caregiving

Grief And Caregiving

Grief and caregiving. Caregivers go through grief stages everyday and you have to acknowledge the fact that you are grieving. We grieve for our loved ones who have Dementia and Alzheimer's because we see how they are not the same person as the disease progresses...

Social Distance vs Physical Distance

Social Distance vs Physical Distance

Using the term Social Distance vs Physical Distance sounds and feels so much better. We are not social distancing, we are actually still connecting but just in different ways so we can stay a physical distance away. Visit Our Sponsor Arden...

Creating A Memory Box For Seniors

Creating A Memory Box For Seniors

Creating a memory box for seniors can very helpful for them and for you. It can help spark conversations with guests who may not know what to say. Remembering and sharing memories can be such a comfort to Seniors who may have Alzheimer's and Dementia. Visit Our...

Getting Out Of Sticky Situations

Getting Out Of Sticky Situations

Getting out of sticky situations can be a bit easier when it concerns your loved one with dementia by using this card. Here is another great story. Visit Our Sponsor Arden Courts