Sustainable caregiving requires fluidity. Fluidity requires knowing your options, resources, and advantages and leveraging them at the right time.

Sustainable caregiving requires self-care. Taking care of yourself while you are taking care of your family member will look different than the traditional self-care activities that come to mind. I can help you identify what sustains you, and together we can develop a system so that you stay strong throughout your caregiving journey.

Sustainable caregiving requires a compass. A navigator is helpful, as well. As someone who has been there, I can help you find solutions to current challenges and prepare for future challenges. Just like navigating a river, there will be obstacles, rapids, and calm sections. While the river doesn’t change, how we navigate it changes as we develop experience, strategies, and skills. This foundation will serve you well as you move forward in your role as a family caregiver or care manager.

A cornerstone of my service is the 12 Strategies for Sustainable Caregiving. The caregiver may seamlessly incorporate these strategies into the day. Strategy highlights:

• Essential strategies to help you manage the negative emotions that result from stress
• How to establish and manage routines to create more time at the end of each day
• How to redefine self-care and incorporate practices into your day
• A detailed look at the opportunities to vent and let it out, including support group options, counseling, and journaling
• How to plan for the what-ifs to move from worry to tranquility
• Insights into common caregiving obstacles and the connection to emotions
• Guidance and steps to turn obstacles into opportunities
• A comprehensive look at how to maintain control by letting go
• Tips to determine what help will help as well as how to find and accept help
• The superpowers that are each powerful on their own, but a force of sustainability when used in combination with each other, including self-compassion, mindfulness, setting boundaries, and practicing forgiveness

Caregiving is a journey and as with any travel, it requires planning and preparation. Some travel companions will be with us from the beginning, and many we will meet along the way. Travel guides in all forms are helpful. We will encounter obstacles and also have the opportunity to pick up souvenirs, meaningful memories. I want to help you create a travel itinerary that minimizes stress and maximizes the meaning of your caregiving journey.

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” Anthony Bourdain

Company Name: Sustainable Caregiving
City, State, Zip: Palm Harbor, FL 34684
Contact Name: Theresa Wilbanks
Phone: 727-222-3655