Gus Guadagnino & Sarah Nachin from Veteran’s Heat Factory, Empowering Veterans and First Responders who have PTSD, through services that unlock their full potential, inspire personal growth, encourage community integration, and support their ability to re-enter the workforce and achieve lifelong success.

Individuals suffering from limited mobility due to a variety of medical issues often have trouble and need help standing from a seated position, or lowering into a seated position from standing. Being lifted under the arms can cause pain to both the patient and the caregiver. The FOOTBAR®Walker changes this by allowing the caregiver to use a single foot to anchor the walker to the floor, using their body weight and features a sturdy bar across the top which the patient can grip while standing or sitting and the caregiver counter pulls with little effort or stress to their shoulders, back or health.
Nancy Morris

For people living with Alzheimer’s related dementia, progressive or chronic movement impairment such as Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy, or stroke — eating is often a daily challenge. Meal Lifter™ is designed to help.
Anne Royer