Alexander Spine Center is committed to providing the highest level of outpatient Chiropractic and Physical Therapy services in beautiful state-of-the-art facilities.

As a healthcare leader, they partner with groups and events within the communities we serve. Our focus on our continuing education is unmatched and guarantees our providers understand and put into practice cutting-edge treatments and rehabilitation techniques available for all types of injuries and conditions.

Our Mission
We are committed as primary healthcare professionals to help our clients resume their lifelong pursuit of health, fitness, and well-being.

High Quality
We take a goal-oriented approach to healing. Whatever your goals might be we want to help you achieve them

Patient Care
We’ll provide hands-on treatment in the office and education you can take home with you, enabling you to become an active participant in your recovery and future physical health.

Professional Service
Doctors David Schumann and Richard Tantillo have a great deal of combined clinical experience and a shared passion for helping our community stay active.

Carolyn Brooker is a licensed Massage Therapist (MA 91959) in the State of Florida and Reflexologist, who has studied with Sam Belyea (The Foot Whisper Institute Reflexology), Claire Marie Miller (Integrative Reflexology) and mentored with Patricia Urban (Reflexology Health LLC, founder) Carolyn’s specialty is the TRIFECTA – face hands and feet!

She has been in the energy healing field for a number of years. Carolyn is a Reiki Maser, Level 4 Touch for Heal Practitioner and experienced with Color Light Therapy and Cranial Sacral Therapy. She is also a licensed Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant.