Jan 19, 2021 | Weekly Tips
It’s ok to cry over loved ones sometimes, as a matter of fact you should cry. It help you through your grieving process. Visit Our Sponsor Arden...
Jan 12, 2021 | Weekly Tips
When should I call hospice? Is hospice just for those who have only weeks to live? What can hospice do for me as a caregiver?These are all good questions and ones that I address in this video. Visit Our Sponsor Arden...
Dec 29, 2020 | Weekly Tips
What is respite care for and who is it for? What Is Respite Care?Respite care is a special name for a short-term break for caregivers. When you look after someone who’s sick or disabled, it’s a 24-hour job. You need a break from time to time to look after your own...
Dec 22, 2020 | Weekly Tips
Agitation and the elderly, how can we help our loved ones? When someone has Alzheimer’s or dementia they can become agitated quite easily.They may start picking at their clothes or their skin to relieve some of the agitation.Giving them something like this muff...
Dec 17, 2020 | Weekly Tips
Traveling with an elderly person can be very stressful even if they don’t have cognitive issues but throw in dementia or alzheimers on top of it, as a caregiver, can push you to the brink. To make traveling a bit easier try to stay calm, plan ahead, and speak...
Dec 15, 2020 | Weekly Tips
What to do if my mom doesn’t recognize family members when we are all together for the holidays.Linda gives a great tip on how to help your loved one suffering from dementia recognize family that they may not see very often. Visit Our Sponsor Arden...