It’s Tuesday – 5 Tips For Caregivers

Five tips for Caregivers1. Stop the power struggle.2. Increase cooperation.3. Reduce the need for your loved one to make decisions.4. Improve your sleep.5. Build time in each day to just enjoy. Visit Our Sponsor Arden Courts, where all they do is memory...

Taking Advantage Of Alexa

Taking advantage of Alexa can be very beneficial to you and your loved one. Visit Our Sponsor Arden Courts,  where all they do is memory...

Being Patient with your Dementia Loved One

Love and patience allow caregivers to calm an agitated parent, reassure an anxious one, or redirect one who is confused. Given the wide swings in mood and behavior that can be caused by any type of dementia, including Alzheimer’s Disease, love and patience are...

Preparing Others To Step In And Take Care Of Your Loved One

Preparing others to step in and take care of your loved one is a vital step in caregiving. What happens to your loved one if something happens to you? Something as simple as telling another person how your loved one likes their meal prepared or how high the volume on...