A caregiver’s life is one of constant ups and downs, with every day different. It’s a life filled with struggles, as well as triumphs.
Many times being a caregiver is a thankless job. A caregiver’s life revolves around this role, with little attention paid to his or her own mental health and well being. With so much to attend to, it’s easy to understand how negative thoughts, doubts, or frustration creep in.
I believe reading this affirmation 2-3 times a day will help you on your journey.

You can always add more tools to your toolbox and as Maya Angelou said, When you know better, you can do better. Until such time, the best that you can do is the best that you can do.

I know on my journey there is help and hope!

I affirm that I am a good caregiver, that I try my best each day, and I recognize that I deserve to have my own needs met just as much as those for whom I care.

I promise that I will not allow myself to be consumed by my caregiving role, and I will set aside time in my busy schedule just for me.

I am mindful of the other caregivers in my life and I will let them know that I appreciate their efforts. I am grateful for the people that walk beside me.

I will take good care of my own health physically and spiritually, drink enough water, eat quality foods, allow for time to rest and to exercise, laugh often (if only at myself) and seek medical attention for my own health concerns.

I am who I am and I allow others to be who they are.Today I will add one item to my “Assisting Angels” list.

Then if someone calls to say “Let me know if there’s anything I can do…”
I will be ready to accept their offer and provide them with the opportunity to assist me. It is an honor to be of service to others. I will not deny my friends and family this honor!

Visit Our Sponsor Arden Courts, where all they do is memory care.