We are an established law firm located in Seminole, FL., counseling clients on estate planning and long term care options. We prepare Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Surrogates and Living Wills and also handle probate and trust administratopn

We are a family firm. In addition to four attorneys, Gilbert Rooth, Susan A. Rooth, Ryan Rooth and Marie R. Zorrilla, we employ a full time Medicaid Coordinator, Shelly Ballard to give our clients the advantage of personal service durng a crisis.

Susan A. Rooth is one of the founding directors of Florida Caregivers Network, a not for profit organization that is initiating the Purple City Campaign, to make Seminole, FL the first dementia friendly city in the State of Florida. She is also on the Executive and General Council of Suncoast Hospice Foundation. She is a member of the Elder Law and Real Property, Probate and Truat sections of the Florida Bar and a member of NAELA and AFELA.

7600 Seminole Blvd, Suite 102, Seminole, FL  33772

